Friday 19 April 2024

FULMARS AT RUNSWICK BAY: TUBULAR BILLS... (My new poem about fulmars nesting...)

 Fulmars At Runswick Bay: Tubular Bills…

Paired on high cliffs above the curve of Runswick Bay 

 Fulmars nested in crevices and on grassy ledges, 

Posing watchfully. Related to albatrosses, each one’s tubular bill

Seemed poised, ready to emit a foul smelling oil in any affray

With intruders and their sharp eyes peered from dark edges

As if made up with kohl, like an ancient Egyptian deity.

An aura of regal calm emanated from them, an iron will,

Even an air of aloofness, whilst exuding a calm serenity…

Pete Ray

18th April 2024…

Not gulls, these petrels have weak legs and spend most of their time out at sea, feeding on fish, crustaceans and carrion.

The spat out oil deters intruders and apparently has a dreadful odour.