Thursday, 23 January 2025

THE IRISH DAMES OF YPRES... (A poem about WW1 & a true story...)

 The Irish Dames Of Ypres…

Ypres crumbles from fierce artillery’s relentless 

Pounding, abbey walls have collapsed amid war’s attrition,

Yet a statue of Christ hanging from death’s cross 

Has escaped the bombardment, whilst all around, masonry has fallen awry.

Determined nuns emerge from the chaos, their faith unshaken,

Their belief and trust in God’s will firm and not forsaken…

They greet the Munster Fusiliers, their liberators fearless,

As one nun prays and another clutches the regimental colours, a mission

Of defiance, inspiring the soldiers to rise above the dross

Of a cruel war and an uplifting, spiritual battle cry.

The Irish Dames of Ypres are evacuated, their pride unshaken, 

From the ruins of Ypres to safety in Solihull, their faith not forsaken…  

Pete Ray

23rd January 2025…      

The above image appeared in a supplement of the 13th March 1915 St Patrick’s Day edition of the Weekly Freeman…

A 17th century Benedictine order had been established in Ypres, Belgium by nuns from well-off Irish families, based at the Abbey of Our Lady of Grace.

However, battles between German and allied soldiers in December 1914 led to the abbey being severely damaged by shellfire and soon the nuns were freed by the Munster Fusiliers.

The British army evacuated the nuns to England and strangely, they were housed close to where I live, in Olton, Solihull…


Eventually, the nuns were able to return to Ireland…      


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