Sunday 16 June 2024

PREDATORY EGRET HARASSED BY PROTECTIVE MOORHEN... (My new poem about an incident at Marazion, Cornwall, 16th June 2024...)

 Predatory Egret Harassed By Protective Moorhen…

The egret stood facing a heron, their necks stretched 

In a silent stand-off and both seemingly froze.

Soon though it turned with a white, flouncy retreat 

And stepped along the pool’s edge, close to green reeds.

A disturbed and concerned moorhen soon despatched  

Her chicks into hiding, wildly flapping its wings and rose

From the water in defiance of the predator’s imminent threat 

But the solitary egret would not deny its hunger’s needs…

It suddenly lunged into the shallows with barely a glance

And predated a struggling water vole, swinging it around, 

Whilst the moorhen attacked it again and both reared 

 Up, wings wide. The harassed egret dipped its prey into the dark

Swirling water, then juggled it with an awkward prancing dance,

As the moorhens scattered hurriedly with barely a sound.

Finally the egret swallowed the vole whole, which quickly appeared

As a swelling in the egret’s long neck, sickening and stark…  

Pete Ray

16th June 2024…    

This scenario happened with such suddenness but clearly the moorhen feared for its chicks, likely not realising that they were safe… 

Brave actions though…

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