Tuesday 2 July 2024

A WILY YOUNG WOODPECKER... (My new poem about a recent garden visitor...)

 A Wily Young Woodpecker…

Dropping in, its wings flecked with spots of white,

The juvenile clung to a feeder and its gnarled claws  

Tensed as it jabbed with an eager, sharp bill

At sunflower hearts which spilled and flew

Like chaff. Its torso arched for balance,

Reminiscent of a wasp’s but without the sting

And it proceeded to feed lustily, hanging and oblivious…

Turning away, the woodpecker flew at and clung tight

To the thick trunk of a conifer and there did pause,

Its claws on sticky sap, perched silent and still   

Before twisting away from the bark’s hidden glue

Onto a bird bath, from which it drank with exuberance,

Checking for predators, eyes alert and twitchy of wing,

Its scarlet head prominent, its independence vainglorious… 

Pete Ray

2nd July 2024…

The red head revealed the great spotted woodpecker to be a juvenile. 

It has visited the garden for three days running (June 30th, July 1st & 2nd) and has fed well!

A lovely bird…

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