Wednesday 31 July 2024

DEFIANT SCAVENGING AMONGST THE DETRITUS... (My newest poem about the Temple Balsall badgers...)

 Defiant Scavenging Amongst The Detritus…

There was a wait. A late beam of sunlight 

 Glimmered upon a sapling and unseen sheep bleated

But around the setts there was no movement.

Upon dried out soil, twisted and broken twigs lay awry

Amongst a scattering of unearthed trash, old deep brown

Beer bottles, cast off house bricks and withered weeds…

The sun’s golden strips soon faded from sight

And four badgers, their underground sojourn completed,

Appeared, rather hesitatingly in that moment.

Despite the warning sounds of a bicycle and of passers-by,  

One adult stood its ground, defiant, staring the lane down,

Then settled back to scavenge and satisfy its needs…

Pete Ray

30th July 2024…  

A warm evening and one badger would not be shifted from its foraging position, whilst the others scattered into setts.

The ground was littered by detritus, the copse having once been a tip for human trash.

The voice of a dog walker saw the badger retreat but it was soon evident again, resisting the urge to leave its gratuitous meal…

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