Wednesday 18 September 2024

BIRTHDAY COPSE SUNSET... (My new poem about spending a birthday evening watching badgers in Temple Balsall...)

 Birthday Copse Sunset…

Amber shards of waning September sunlight

Refracted through the copse and struck like gold

Upon branches, fallen leaves, or writhing roots exposed.

Hoping to spy badgers there, before the onset of the night,

My birthday dusk was spent downwind of setts, bleak and cold,

As the looming shadows of darkness crept forth, unopposed..

The visibility soon waned into murk, as magpies, contrite,

Scavenged food with screaming swoops, their pilfering bold;

Until at last two sleek badgers from the undergrowth eased

Into the quickly fading, grim and gloomy woodland light.

They fed, they fidgeted and they fussed, a feast to behold

And I took my leave, satisfied, my birthday wish appeased…

Pete Ray

17th September 2024…  

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