Sunday 19 May 2024


 Rangers Ease To Saturday Vase Victory Over AFC Bentley…

AFC Bentley 0-3 AFC Coventry Rangers

The Mowdog’s thoughts…

This victory was more than comfortable for Rangers of Midland League Division 2, scoring three times and missing several other chances. West Midlands League Division 2 champions Bentley found creating any offense a real problem throughout this Saturday Vase Final, played at a sunny Ray Hall Lane ground in Great Barr, Birmingham.

0-2 at the interval was made 0-3 in the early stages of the second period by the player voted on the day as the tie’s MVP, Leo Kelly but really, Bentley were well beaten by that stage, despite some solid performances by individual players.

Missing their valuable skipper Jordan Powell, Rangers took control of much of the tie with midfielder Ryan Alexander taking the eye with his aggression, ability on the ball and sheer involvement, backed up by the supporting Callum Regan and Charlie Hynam in the trenches. 

Striker Curtis Cutts held the ball up well for his team, almost yawning through the game in a performance which reeked of regal calmness and he might have grabbed a couple of goals too, later in the second period. 

Generally, the main official performed in a lenient fashion, for several rough challenges by Bentley went largely unpunished, as Rangers forced the pace during a hot afternoon.

I was able to film from a gantry, after signing a disclaimer should I topple from the ladder or the platform. I promised to an official on a video clip that I would deal with the consequences of any fall, should my somersaults and forward rolls fail miserably…

The general overview…

Before the break, Kelly tested Dan Lynex at his near post and Alexander forced a low save from the goalminder but when Pete Bailey rushed into the right side of the penalty-box to chase the ball, he fell as Anasthanios Korompilias made a challenge.


A spot-kick was awarded, which Bailey shot low to Lynex’s left and Rangers were on the way.


Bentley fought so hard without really testing Coventry goalie Jack Hartopp and with their coach bellowing for his players to manage the final moments of the half, a hooked effort by Cutts was deflected over the crossbar and from that corner, Rangers scored again.

Bailey’s flag-kick saw James Ritson shrug off Bentley skipper Brady Weston’s marking job to power a lunging header deep into the net. 


Beyond half-time, Lynex dealt with a decent Kelly shot, an attempted lob by Cutts, who had outpaced a defender, was caught by the gloveman but a fine move by Rangers led to a smart strike by Kelly to settle the tie early.

Cutts cleverly allowed a low pass by Regan to pass between his feet for Hynam, who shoved a quick pass into the penalty-box, right of centre where Kelly had moved to and the winger’s instant right-footer flashed into the net from 15 yards.

Alexander drove wide, as did replacement Connoll Farrell, who forced a falling save from Lynex too. Cutts lifted a decent left footer over the target at the right stick but also tested Lynex’s reflexes with a hard drive from 12 yards.


Substitute Joe Gardner fired a free-kick over the crossbar from downtown and another replacement, James Chappell shoved a chance past the near post, following decent approach work by Gardner.

The final words…

Although the gantry was a fine viewpoint for filming, just prior to kick-off, unhelpfully, the ground’s staff erected a VEO camera directly in front of me. Also, with the sun behind me, I couldn’t see what I was filming due to glare on the camera’s screen. Subsequently, most of the footage seemed OK, bar the clip of Kelly’s goal, which for some reason seemed to lose some focus. Apologies for that…

Brad Lewis worked hard for Bentley and was effective for his team, whilst skipper Weston led his colleagues well enough. Jack Parkes’ long throws were dealt with comfortably by Rangers’ skipper George Swain and sidekick Ritson and there were a few unproductive moments of promising offense by Mark Webster and Kyle Armstrong.

Lloyd Sawyers improved Bentley’s second period performance and volleyed their best chance too high from 6 yards near the end of the 90 minutes.

Both Rangers full-backs, Owen Suddick and Toby Curran were industrious and strong, whilst as time ran out, Alpha Wurie and Farrell worried the Bentley defence on a number of occasions.   

Well done to Rangers…

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