Monday 13 May 2024

FRACTURES & SPLINTERS ON THE COPSE FLOOR... (My new poem about badgers at Temple Balsall...)

 Fractures & Splinters On The Copse Floor…

Uncommonly warm, following the chilly and rainy

Evenings of early May, the copse floor was strewn

With spindly, splintered dead branches which cracked

Underfoot. I gently tugged at a hanging stick, precariously

Dangling but a larger branch fractured like a gunshot

And fell upon me, whereupon I hastily retreated…

In gathering evening gloom, the visibility grainy,

The day’s heat lingered oppressively, but quite soon

Several badgers appeared and blithely tracked

The food spread about and munched voraciously,

Advancing with some bravado and thus easy to spot

But I was disregarded, as they for dry morsels competed… 

Pete Ray

13th May 2024…

Friday 10th May, Temple Balsall…

It was hot, I wasn’t well but had wanted to check that the badgers were surviving in what had been a very wet copse a couple of weeks prior.

The fallen and easily fractured thin branches lying around surprised me but once I was settled and silent, several healthy badgers delighted me with their presence… 

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