Monday 6 May 2024


 Solihull Ease To Victory On Celebration Monday…

AFC Solihull 4-0 Feckenham FC

The Mowdog’s thoughts…

The presentation of the Midland Division 3 title trophy was handed to AFC skipper Sam Delaney at the finish of this encounter, which had livened up after half-time, following a really weak opening 45. True, the pitch was hard, bare in patches and subsequently uneven but neither team looked comfortable or even competent before the interval.

Feckenham had managed to get a team together for the fixture, despite a disappointing end to their season and actually looked slightly more capable than their hosts before the break, although they fell apart during the second period and conceded four times, as Solihull began to look more penetrative. Interestingly, three replacements scored, following the opener by Cherno Sey and by the finish, the visitors clearly just wanted to go home.

The yawning first period…

A couple of shots from distance could be described as wayward, a low cross-shot by Abdo Said for AFC rolled by the left post and an unintentional header towards his own goal by Delaney looped slowly over the goal frame but generally the half was mistake riddled and largely unforgettable, except for the pleasant weather conditions.

There was also a spat between Delaney and Miller Will Skelton. Thought I’d mention that…

The more watchable second-half…

A drive from busy home midfielder Niall McIlduff was tipped over the crossbar by Millers’ ‘keeper Adam Watson but just before substitute Owen Williams shot too high, AFC found the net. A long pass left by Delaney led to Said forcing his way past Feckenham skipper Kian Davies and from the byeline he shoved a low centre for the onrushing Sey to turn into the net whilst tumbling forth like he was prematurely celebrating his goal with a forward-roll. It was a poacher’s finish… 

Goal two followed from a right-flank corner which was played short to the right edge of the 18 yard box, where replacement Md Shimul was totally unmarked. His instant centre caught the Millers unprepared and substitute Scott Saunders nodded a simple goal from close range with a downward header, not even needing to jump.

Delaney’s header from a set-piece was cleared from the Feckenham goal-line by Josh Bowen who was guarding his team’s left stick and just before replacement Jahvan Howell’s low near post shot from inside-right was tipped behind for a corner by Watson, AFC scored again.

Howell’s pass on the right set Sey rushing onward and his low centre was almost apologetically and easily tucked into the net by Shimul, again unmarked just a few yards out.

The final goal again involved Howell who played a neat one-two with fellow substitute Owen Williams and Williams bore down on goal to slip the ball with no difficultly past Watson at the near stick.

All that the Millers could muster were two shots, an effort from downtown by Jack Neal which rose too high and a shot on the turn by replacement Lewis Espley which home goalie Keaton Chahal did well to keep out with an outstretched right boot.

The final words…

Feckenham did well to get 14 players to turn out after their disappointment of missing out on promotion just a few days prior but until the first AFC goal went in, they managed to compete. However, their depleted team was unable to sustain their stubborn performance and Solihull gleefully took advantage and preceded their title winning celebrations with four second period goals…

There was no doubt that AFC’s replacements had a clear effect on the outcome of this end of season encounter and home goalie Chahal certainly enjoyed a pleasant afternoon in the warm sunshine.

Skelton battled hard in attack for Feckenham but lacked decent service and in fairness, midfielders Brad Hands and Lucas Cooke were more involved with defensive duties, as they aided their colleagues in trying to deal with some of Said’s and Sey’s runs.

For AFC, full-backs Dean Colstock and Ross Kaar supported the hard work of midfielder Dylan Daniels on occasions and Sey and Said did cause a few problems for the Millers, despite the lack of penetration before the recess. 

Clearly things changed later in the contest as the substitutes really began to dominate. Not bad cameo appearances for both Shimul and Howell though, as Solihull eased away to victory before collecting their prizes…

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