Tuesday 21 May 2024

BADGERS THIEVED BY FUSSING MAGPIES: my new poem about the Temple Balsall badgers...

 Badgers Thieved By Fussing Magpies…

A peach sunset late on a cooling May evening rendered 

The copse tense, its shrubs and hanging foliage lush green.

And the wait began. Peanuts had been scattered, tendered

And laid near the setts, as sunlight faded from the scene.

A brace of magpies soon alighted upon the undulating

Woodland floor to feed upon the dry food, then surged,

Skittered and fluttered into the dusk, anticipating

More feasting, until a pair of robust badgers slowly emerged. 

A surprise quickly asserted itself however, for the badgers

Took no notice of the scavenging magpies, ignoring

The presence of the pair of thieving, gatecrashing cadgers

And fed fervently and stolidly, with snuffling and gnawing…

Pete Ray

21st May 2024…

In all badger watching sessions previously, any bird movements have disturbed the Temple Balsall clan members and usually they have scattered back inside their setts.

This time however, they feasted alongside the magpies…

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