Monday 27 May 2024

ARCHED BACK CONFRONTATION... (My new poem about next door's evil cat seeing off a male fox...)

 Arched Back Confrontation…

Its night-camera eyes were lit expressionless, spectral

And confrontational. Indeed it stares at me regularly, from distance.

It doesn’t like me. If I approach and make a guttural sound,

It turns and scrambles over the fence in a desperate escape. 

It is becoming rather obese. It is completely white. Ghostly.

It stood its ground as a fox approached, its vacant leer evil

And confrontational. It arched its back and hissed its spitting resistance.

It hunched, warned and stood its gained ground,

Then, as the fox edged forward, the cat, with spiteful gape

Hurled into an attack and saw off the fox, brazenly…

Pete Ray

27th May 2024

Next door’s rather aggressive cat has always been a pain, as I have attempted to provide food for wild birds. 

It has often stared me out from a crouched position upon the fence, until I have advanced, making a deep, hostile growl, which would see off the creature in a scrabbling, falling drama… 

The night camera though captured the cat being, er, top dog against a fully grown fox, which was intent on feasting upon the food I had left inside a ground feeder.

Later the fox did feed from the feeder, whilst the spooky cat sat and watched, staring weirdly nearby…


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