Monday 7 October 2024

CROMER REMEMBERS... (My new poem about the war memorial in Cromer, Norfolk...)

 Cromer Remembers…

The gargoyle roars disdain from the church at St George,

Its rictus unpleasant, yet curiously comical

As the dragon is slain, its fiery agony pitiable…

The nurse exudes caring, patience and courage,

Her demeanour is calm and she cradles a receptacle,

Yet too many patients are lost, their wounds irreparable…

The sailor clutches a telescope on his ship’s bridge,

Bell-bottoms astride a coiled rope, his expression quizzical,

For the enemy lurks, its sea-going threat palpable…

The airman holds binoculars for reconnaissance, his grudge

Against the Hun both sublime and yet cynical,

His confidence and assuredness surly and irrevocable…

The infantryman stares balefully, like death’s judge

With rifle at rest, as he ponders the wartime debacle

And comrades fallen and horrors inconceivable…

The gargoyle grimaces with sickened outrage

About the wars and the grief and the carnage unethical,

As it presides over the sculpture sublimely memorable…  

Pete Ray…

6th October 2024…   

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