Tuesday 16 October 2018


Going Home

Late day draws folks past
The lychgate and its three stone steps;
Trudging plough-horse team
Is ridden side-on, bareback, manes held fast,
As saddled grey is led quietly along, downcast,
Lost in some harrowing equine dream…

Late afternoon draws villagers past
The churchyard’s three worn steps;
Trudging women, bairns in tow,
Wear white bonnets, sheaf and sickle held fast,
Gleanings too, perhaps, thus eyes downcast,
And the young girl’s basket has flowers to show… 

Late evening draws folks home past
The church and those three wide steps;
Grudging acceptance of their rural life,
Heritage, tradition and customs held fast:
And the boy will become the man, yet not downcast,
For he must take on the mantle of physical strife…

Pete Ray
October 2018   

Nelly Erichsen’s painting set in Welford on Avon, called ‘Going Home’.

The artist, from a Danish family, famous also for her line drawings, spent time in Welford on her artwork, probably in 1891 and although the original lychgate was replaced some years ago, the scene hasn’t really changed that much.

The girl’s golden hair matches the corn, which is being taken towards where the mill would have been at that time. All the other people have covered heads.

I have just read Sarah Harkness’ fine biography about Nelly’s fascinating life…

I took the accompanying photos on 15th October 2018.

The river was moving quite quickly during a rainy day but a heron stretched its neck up nearby…


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